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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hi, My name is Jennifer and I'm an addict

Yep, I'm coming out of the closet in my addiction.  My hubby knows now, my friends know now, my kids my bloggy friends are going to know.

What is this addiction you ask???

The TWILIGHT Saga!!!! 

Yep, you read that right.  I'm one of those twenty-something-pushing-thirty ladies that are completely, head-over-heals OBSESSED with all things Twilight (and RPatz).

I have recently been adding blogs to my blog roll that are Twilight related which you can see under the heading "I follow these...".

Right now, I am waiting on Diva D. to finish up Twilight so that I can read it again.  Big J. is currently reading Eclipse and my sis-in-law has borrowed Breaking Dawn from me(which I hope she is almost done because I will need it soon).  I will NOT start reading them again until all of the books are finished by whomever is reading them right now, because I can finish one of the books in a day and will need the next book the very next day.  

You could say that since I have come to terms with this addiction, I have been feeding it more openly and without shame.  I am not ashamed to say that if RPatz (Robert Pattinson, for those that don't know who that is) were to say he wanted me now.....................I would go.  But seeing as how that will only happen in a when-hell-freezes-over type of situation, I don't see that being an issue.

AAAANNNYYY WAY, I saw this oh-so-yummy-super-sexy video of the ever delicious RPatz over at Twitarded .  I just had to share this with everyone on my blog. **warning** there is a song that goes with this.  If you do not want "Sexual Freak" blaring to all your co-workers or family, I suggest a pair of headphones or no sound at all. 

Now, tell me that was not AWESOME!  Those smoldering eyes, those lips I just want to suck off his face, that jaw that I could nibble on forever.....ahhhhh.  *fanning myself to keep from over-heating*

Well, now you all know.  Plan on seeing posts about this addiction more often now that I've "come out" about it.  I promise that not every single post will be Twilight related or RPatz related, but I will be posting about stuff.  And plan on me getting to the midnight showing of New Moon and blogging about it afterward.

But, hey, we have a few months before that happens.

AND do me a favor, please let me know if you are a TwiFreak like me....we can feed our obsession together!  And if you are a on the button on my sidebar that says "Twilight Continues" is a fanfic (fan fiction) site that continues the story of the Cullens after Breaking Dawn!  

Monday, September 21, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, I haven't been doing Not Me! Monday! lately and frankly haven't been blogging much lately.  Not feeling too inspired, been busy with school, been sick, ....I could go on and on about why I have not been blogging much, but I will not bore you with the details.  

On to Not Me! Monday!

I am not the one that has only worked 2 days in the last month.  Not me.  I work as much as possible.  Not as little as possible.  Never.  Not me!

I most certainly did not give Diva D. the "talk to the hand" gesture yesterday when she interrupted me while doing my homework for the tenth time in less than 45 minutes.  I never do that sort of thing to my children.  I am an attentive mother that drops everything (even homework) for my children's every question.  Not me!

I was not secretly hoping on Thursday that my class would be canceled so that I didn't have to sit through a completely pointless, mind-numbingly boring lecture from a crazy cat-lady professor.  I love going to class every week.  I also did not do a little happy dance when class was actually canceled.  Not me!

Well, that is a little of what I have NOT been doing.  Head on over to MckMama's blog and see what everyone else has NOT been doing lately!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Haircut on a whim!

I decided to get a haircut today on a whim.  I think it turned out good.  Don't know if I will ever be able to style it the way the beautician did, but hey, I'll make it work!  

Here I am before:

And After:

Writer's Workshop: Mom Moment

It's Thursday and you know what that means-----Writer's Workshop from Mama Kat @ Mama's Losin' It!! (btw, Mama Kat is having a giveaway!!  Go check it out!!!)

I have been slacking some and not doing much of these lately.  What can I say....I've been busy with school (who am I kidding, I've just been too lazy).

Here are the prompts:

1.) If You Give A Mom A Moment...

2.) What's the message you would craft

3.) Your Fall favorites.

4.) If your pet could talk, what would you want to know?

5.)If you could only focus on three things in life and pursue them fully, leaving everything else, what would they be and why?

I think I will do #1:  If you give a Mom a moment.

If you give a Mom a moment,

She might take up drinking.

If you give a Mom a moment,

She might get some sleep.

If you give a Mom a moment,

She might throw a party.

But, mostly, if you give a Mom a moment,

She will spend it loving her kids.

That's what I do!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Friend Makin' Monday

This week Amber is asking this:

What are some of your favorite fall shows?

In no particular order, here they are:





CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (only the original, not the wannabe CSI shows)

Chuck (not even sure if it is on this season)

The Big Bang Theory

Gary Unmarried


Criminal Minds

And, yes, we do watch all of these, and more.  The DVR is a wonderful thing!!  We record everything and try to get caught up on the weekends when there is nothing on our 200+ channels!!  

What are you watching this fall??  Head on over to see Amber and tell everyone what you are watching!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Testing signature

Testing my signature out.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Quote from my 5-year-old: Reading Minds

The other day,  little J. announced "I can read my own mind."

This is after he put his ear up to everyone's head (except mine because I'm sick) and tried to read their minds.

Ah, the imagination of that child.

Promise there will be more of these as he pops off with funny things (which is daily!).

Here the little silly guy is....doing what he does best....being silly!

I have a blog button now!!


Check it out!!  I have a blog button and a way to grab it for your blog!!

Grab it and display it on your blog today!!!

It's over there on the right, just below my twitter button!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

President Obama's Speech to the Students of Our Nation

Now I know that there are some of you out there in blogland that might think that I am going to be one of those that is spouting to "keep your children home so they are not exposed to it", but I am not. I am writing this note because that sort of talk has me a little miffed. 

I have seen the speech Obama is going to give to the youth of America referred to as "National Brain Washing Day" and comparing this speech to those that Hitler gave to the youth of Germany, and I am appalled. Now, I am not an adamant supporter of Obama by any means, but I do not believe that because the President of the United States is going to make a speech to the children of this nation to 
"urge students to take personal responsibility for their own education, to set goals, and to not only stay in school but make the most of it" ( that he is trying to brain wash our children. 

Give me a freaking break. I'm sorry, but I have seen what the school system is like....I have seen first-hand how these children behave, and I have seen with my own eyes the parents taking up for the kids when the teacher has to inform them that their precious, can-do-no-wrong child does something very wrong or is not meeting the standards of their grade level. I have seen that there are children that are not held accountable for their own actions by their parents. 

I know there are a lot of kids that are not like this, but it is the kids like this that hold the "good" kids back. It is kids like this that disrupt the class. It is kids like this that have an utter lack of respect for school personnel because their parent have the same lack of respect for school personnel. It is kids like this that the speech is aimed at. 

Someone needs to hold these kids accountable for their actions and if their parents are not going to do it, then why not the President of the United matter WHO he is. 

And I'm sorry listening to one speech about taking responsibility for your education, setting goals, and making the most of your education is not "brain washing" and it is not bad.

Are my kids going to watch this speech? Yes, if their school decides to show it they will. I think if nothing else it will give them something to think about and maybe discuss with us when they get home.

My own mother is considering not sending my little brother to school if the school he goes to decides to show the President's speech, so don't any one person go getting bent out of shape thinking I am aiming this at you. I have seen it ALL OVER THE PLACE and am really tired of seeing it and needed to put my two cents in here.

This is my opinion and my opinion only. You have your own opinion, I have mine. Let's be respectful of each other here. I don't mind a little debate over this, but will not tolerate any hateful comments. Thank you.

You can find more information about this speech at:


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